
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Software conflict

11.11 has come and gone.  Thousands of people all over the world did ceremonies and meditations all through the day, imagining a better world.  I sat and connected at 11.11 am and it was an extraordinary experience. I felt my head get bigger and bigger and then boom, it was like we all had one mind and one heart. Like being part of the Borg, but in a good way.  

But since then I've been fit to burst, on all levels, feeling overfull and very irritable.  What the bleep... then the light dawned.  On 11.11 we downloaded a huge chunk of our spirit. My understanding of this process is that we are becoming a new version of human.  This is not just an upgrade, this is a whole new operating system. And this is what's so new about this process, we are the first version of human to have integrated, on a global scale, so much of our spirit in our physical body.

And with any upgrades come software conflicts.  Right now I'm running two versions of most of my beliefs. Spirit is unlimited and is bumping up against the old programmes that contain limitations. Time for a big uninstall. 

So sit, let the conflicts come to the surface and uninstall the old version of you. The new you is totally unlimited, a vast wonderous being just waiting to be allowed to explore our new world.

Essences you might find helpful:

Main feeling: easily pulled away from your core essence

The piece of opal which made this essence is luminous green, blue and pink. Looking into the stone I feel part of the universe, the one-ness that we all came from, the is-ness of simply being. This essence helps to remind us what it felt like to be part of the universe, before separation, before we took on the patterning of human existence. We have worn this mantle of suffering incarnation after incarnation. These patterns are deeply ingrained and sometimes difficult to shift. It is time to let go.

Sit with is-ness when you need help shifting the old patterns, when you want to remember who you really are.

I'm in Heaven
(Aquamarine, Mica and Ruby)
Main feeling: a bit fed up with life

This essence wants to teach us about how our choices in every moment affect our reality. We can create heaven on earth right here, right now....if we choose to. We have the tools. We've all known that this is possible for a long time but most of us are not making the changes. We are still choosing for our old reality - we are still choosing discomfort and struggle.

Work with I'm in Heaven and this essence will put a spotlight on every choice, whether it be a thought, feeling or action and gently but persistently encourage you to change.


This essence was made with the help of a beautiful piece of Labradorite, and is about popping through our illusions so that we can know what is real and what isn't.

If you're having a hard time uninstalling your old programmes, sit with Pop and it will help you identify what is real for you and your unlimited self, and what is not.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hang onto your Hollyhocks

London's burning, the stock market is crashing, the planet is quaking.  What to do?

Breathe...breathe...and breathe.  Anytime you feel yourself getting sucked into the panic and the fear, just step back and breathe. Breathing takes you right out of your mind and brings your focus to your body.  The breath is one of the most powerful tools we have to help us get through this stage of the shift.  Which is brill - because we can all do it anywhere, anytime and it's free.

There is a big parting of the waters taking place now.  The young indigos are acting out like never before. They know the world isn't working and it's coming to a tipping point. They feel the rage and the dis-ease acutely and are spewing it out for all to see.  You may even find your own children going into rage for no obvious reason as they pick up on this global sense of unease.

Many people who haven't, up until this point, done any work on themselves may go into fear and stay there. This could include your partner, colleagues and family members.  By all means reach out to them if you can but know that it is most important that you don't get sucked into the drama.  This can be difficult if the person is really close to you, like your partner or family member, as your love for them can draw you into their story which means that you start to vibrate out the same feelings. This doesn't do anyone any good.  Much like a good therapist, we need to be there for our loved ones yet not get engulfed by their story.

So how do you do that?
  • Make self care a priority. 
  • Check in with yourself daily and ask yourself how YOU are feeling. What do YOU need. 
  • Ground and clear your energy by walking in nature, in forests or by the sea.  
  • Make sure you keep the energy of your home balanced and clear.  
  • Make a sacred space for yourself where you can connect with the higher aspects of this shift.  
  • Make a bowl of essences to balance the energy and act as an energy stabiliser and cleanser. (see how here )

I've never been one for discipline but I feel that now we do need to be disciplined and very focused.  Every time you feel your focus shifting to dwell in the negative, bring it back.  Find something of beauty to look at, to appreciate.  Every time a negative attracts your attention, shift your focus to something that makes you smile, something that warms your heart, something that is beautiful and fills you with awe.

This phase of the shift is somewhat similar to the death process described in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.  We are surrounded by the shadow worlds but there is light ahead and it is our job now to keep looking for that light. Don't get distracted, don't go left or right, don't deviate, just keep going for the light.

The new essence series, the Magenta Pink Essences have been made for this stage of the shift. Just as Pink is one of the colours of the dawn of a new day, these essences are about the final touches you need to put in place as you wake up to the new paradigm. They will help us disentangle from the last remaining spider webs of our old programmes and emerge into the light of the wonderful new dawn that is just around the corner.

They contain some interesting essences such as No 12 - to release karma between you and people who can't accomplish their life purpose. As we are come to the end of our time in this classroom of duality, our contracts need to signed off on before we can move on - however, if one of your contracts involves someone who hasn't been able to move on this will hold you back. Hence this essence to help you release this bond.

The Pinks aren't up on the web site yet but if you'd like to know more about them  e-mail me at and I'll send you more information

Monday, April 4, 2011

Keep B-r-e-a-t-h-i-n-g

Phew, the energies of the last few days have been unrelentingly powerful. I've felt dizzy, spacey and exhausted. And that was the easy part. Apparently we are in for another week of extremely challenging energetics which will affect us personally and also bring about more chaos globally.


Keep breathing, breathe deeply into the pit of your tummy. Any time you feel the energies build up in your chest, breathe and breathe and breathe until you feel a sense of ease returning.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself, your family and globally, is to stay calm, keep your heart open and allow these energies to pass through you by breathing them in and breathing them out again.

Don't spend too much time listening to the news, it'll only make you feel anxious.

Connect with nature, take a walk, smell the flowers, listen to the birds.

Be like a rock - steady, constant, calm. Spend time sitting still, meditate or just be.

If you can take time off work, do. If you have to work, take as much time out for yourself as you can.

Essences are a really useful tool at the moment, they can help you stay balanced during these energetic challenges. We often forget to use the tools that we have so I recommend that you get all your essences out and put them where you can see them. Look at the essences every day and see if you feel drawn to take any, your intuition will tell you if you need them.

These two below are my favourites at the moment

Hematite draws energy downwards and helps you ground. It will also mirror out any discordant energy that is coming your way. If you feel very spacey or dizzy, rub some Hematite on the soles of your feet and it will help you to stay grounded.

Is-ness this calming essence reminds us to just be, to be still. Add drops of this essence to a bowl of water and place in the centre of your home - it will calm the energy very quickly.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

The last rinse and spin cycle

I notice a lot of people ordering Deep Magenta Opium Poppy this week and with good reason.

The 11.1.11 energy is stripping away any situations in our lives that we are staying in out of fear.  It could be a relationship that we know in our hearts is over but we stay in it out of fear of being alone or of hurting someone. It could be a job that is 'safe' but going nowhere and boring us to death but we stay put because looking for something else to do is terrifying.

The fears and terrors that keep us in these situations are usually core issues for us, issues that we have had all our lives and possibly carried into this life to finally clear. We are on the brink of breaking through to a new way of being, a new sort of earth so any limiting fears and belief systems have to go. You can't just tuck them in a corner this year and hope that they'll stay there, out of sight. You may have been able to do that for the last 20, 30 or more years but not now, not any more.

We are in the last rinse and spin cycle and the wonderful ole machine that is our higher self will just keep us on the rinse and spin cycle till we get the stains you might as well opt for the quick wash.

If something momentous and terrifying is happening to you right now know that it is a big let go and that you'll be much better when you get through it, and you WILL get through it..... when you go into panic just start breathing and breathing and breathing and eventually your mind will let go of the fear and you will come to a place of peace.  You need to be disciplined about this ......... don't let yourself wallow in the fear too much. Breathe it through, the more you breathe the less you think.

Check out these essences: Deep Magenta Opium Poppy to help integrate the fragmented bits of you that split off in terror.  Sunflower to help you find your core strength and re balance. Olive to give you the energy for renewal.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I should have a flat head by now

You know, it's funny how you end up saying to other people the things you need to hear yourself.

This morning I was talking with a friend about how important it is at the moment to just surrender. She gets it totally and as a consequence, appears to be going through this transformation process at warp speed.

I, on the other hand, have never been one to let go of things easily. I talk about it and teach about it but boy, do I have a hard time doing it. As someone once said 'there are scratch marks all over everything I've ever let go of'.

And so, when I hit a wall, I bang my head against it till I realize that trying to force something to happen just doesn't work anymore.

Now here's the thing. We are going through the eye of the needle right now and there is no room for baggage. We need to peel off every last belief system, every last box belonging to the old way of being human in order to get through here. At the moment I imagine myself halfway through, with my bum stuck on the other side.

You see, we are being asked to really, totally and truly love ourselves, to embody more of our spirit than we have ever embodied before. To do this, we have to merge heart and head and let our own voice tell us what needs to be done in any moment on any given day.

This means letting go of the old *rules* - like observing deadlines (what a word), forcing things to happen, pushing through tiredness, working at something that doesn't feel right.

Every time we deny that growing voice of spirit, our energy contracts and slows up, like a wet Monday morning in a dark office. Nothing moves, nothing works. Rather than make progress, we just stay stuck.

But if, like my friend, you answer the call to sit under a tree by the bank of a river, because that is what needs to be done, then an opening happens, a gear swings into place and a movement occurs.

So, the next time you are about to bang your head. STOP. Listen to your spirit voice and see what it is that you really need to be doing.

BTW lots of you will think, it's ok for her to go sit under a tree but I'm stuck in an office or whatever, I've GOT to DO things. I say to you that if something is not working, do something different. Even if you feel you can't just run out to the park, you can stop the mental chatter, tune into your heart channel and see what the message is.

love ya

Sunday, September 5, 2010

All Shook Up

I've decided to start a new blog to write about the changes that many people are going through, and will go through, in the next few years.

Recently I've come across a lot of people who feel like their world is being turned upside down. The future they saw for themselves has vaporized, that prized career has either vanished or no longer holds any interest. Nothing seems to fit anymore. They've lost all passion for things they used to love. They feel alone and isolated from friends and family. They feel like a misfit, a failure. They feel like they don't know how to 'do' human anymore.

If this is true for you, then more than likely, you are someone who is in the process of stepping out of the box and getting ready to be part of a great change of consciousness on planet earth.

the box

Let's face it, the world doesn't work for about 99.99% of the population. Most people at best simply survive, getting up every day just to make it to the next day. Most people live in a small box defined by their fears and don't ever step out of that box and, amazingly, we've been living like this for a very long time.

We start to inhabit our box as soon as we're born. We take on the beliefs of our family, ancestors and society in general. We learn that we have to behave in certain ways, we have to do what we're told, we have to be good, we have to sit still, we have to listen to boring people, we have to be nice, we have to please people, we have to be responsible and we have to work hard. And if we do all that, we will probably survive to wake up and do the same again.....and again.... and again.


The good news is all that is about to change.

all shook up

Right now millions of people around the world are beginning to find that box incredibly uncomfortable. We know there's more to life and we want to find out what that is. We beginning to listen to an inner voice that is questioning almost everything. We know we have to change.

But most of us are hanging onto that box for dear life. After all, it's the only way we know how to be. We've ALWAYS been that way and OH MY GOD it's terrifying to think of leaving that box and doing something different.

Funny thing is, events are conspiring to shake us free: we loose that job, our income plummets, our relationship dissolves, our health fails. We seem forced to make a move.

the fear

That's when the fear strikes. Your heart sinks, beats faster, you get wobbly in your tummy, you can't sleep, you have crazy dreams, you just don't know how on earth you are going to survive.

But this is the whole point of the shake up, you are going to learn, not just to survive, but to thrive. You are going to learn to be truly free. You are going to learn to live in your passion, to do what you love, because you love it. You are going to learn to really trust yourself. You are going to learn to be really true to yourself and never shoehorn yourself into a shape just because others want that of you


a process for dealing with fear

So what do you do when the fear hits? Don't try and avoid it or deny it. Getting out of this box will bring up all the fears you've ever had and lots you don't even KNOW you have.

Firstly, sit with the fear and feel it. Yes, feel it. Allow yourself to feel it. Don't be afraid, fear is simply an energy and will stay scary if you don't explore it. Allow yourself to really get to know it. Feel where it resides in your body. Feel how it makes you feel. Wallow in it. Draw out as much fear as you can. Imagine you are hoovering it out from all your cells into a great big balloon.

Know that you created this fear, you created it as part of your box and as
you created it, you can also un-create it.

Now, draw out every last bit that is ready to leave, then stick a great big pin in that balloon and watch all those fears float away.

Will that be it then, fearless forever? It is very unusual to be able to dig out all your fears in one go as most of us have gazillions of them and they come off in layers, like an onion. So just keep doing the work, every time the fear grabs you, pull it all out and let it go.

other ways to deal with fear

There are lots and lots of ways to heal your fear. I'll write more about them in the coming months but here are a couple of things to start with.

Lately I've been finding an essence that we make called Deep Magenta Opium Poppy to be really useful. When the fear hits, just sit, breathe deeply, take a few drops of the essence and hold the bottle in your hand.

Inner child work is also very useful. Here is a link to a short piece I wrote on the Indigo Essences website that might help you or
you may want to see a therapist for help with it.

So raise a glass to your fears this evening, and know that they can help you get out of that box and into the world of your dreams