Breathe...breathe...and breathe. Anytime you feel yourself getting sucked into the panic and the fear, just step back and breathe. Breathing takes you right out of your mind and brings your focus to your body. The breath is one of the most powerful tools we have to help us get through this stage of the shift. Which is brill - because we can all do it anywhere, anytime and it's free.
There is a big parting of the waters taking place now. The young indigos are acting out like never before. They know the world isn't working and it's coming to a tipping point. They feel the rage and the dis-ease acutely and are spewing it out for all to see. You may even find your own children going into rage for no obvious reason as they pick up on this global sense of unease.
Many people who haven't, up until this point, done any work on themselves may go into fear and stay there. This could include your partner, colleagues and family members. By all means reach out to them if you can but know that it is most important that you don't get sucked into the drama. This can be difficult if the person is really close to you, like your partner or family member, as your love for them can draw you into their story which means that you start to vibrate out the same feelings. This doesn't do anyone any good. Much like a good therapist, we need to be there for our loved ones yet not get engulfed by their story.
So how do you do that?
- Make self care a priority.
- Check in with yourself daily and ask yourself how YOU are feeling. What do YOU need.
- Ground and clear your energy by walking in nature, in forests or by the sea.
- Make sure you keep the energy of your home balanced and clear.
- Make a sacred space for yourself where you can connect with the higher aspects of this shift.
- Make a bowl of essences to balance the energy and act as an energy stabiliser and cleanser. (see how here )
I've never been one for discipline but I feel that now we do need to be disciplined and very focused. Every time you feel your focus shifting to dwell in the negative, bring it back. Find something of beauty to look at, to appreciate. Every time a negative attracts your attention, shift your focus to something that makes you smile, something that warms your heart, something that is beautiful and fills you with awe.
This phase of the shift is somewhat similar to the death process described in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. We are surrounded by the shadow worlds but there is light ahead and it is our job now to keep looking for that light. Don't get distracted, don't go left or right, don't deviate, just keep going for the light.
The new essence series, the Magenta Pink Essences have been made for this stage of the shift. Just as Pink is one of the colours of the dawn of a new day, these essences are about the final touches you need to put in place as you wake up to the new paradigm. They will help us disentangle from the last remaining spider webs of our old programmes and emerge into the light of the wonderful new dawn that is just around the corner.
They contain some interesting essences such as No 12 - to release karma between you and people who can't accomplish their life purpose. As we are come to the end of our time in this classroom of duality, our contracts need to signed off on before we can move on - however, if one of your contracts involves someone who hasn't been able to move on this will hold you back. Hence this essence to help you release this bond.
The Pinks aren't up on the web site yet but if you'd like to know more about them e-mail me at and I'll send you more information