
Sunday, September 5, 2010

All Shook Up

I've decided to start a new blog to write about the changes that many people are going through, and will go through, in the next few years.

Recently I've come across a lot of people who feel like their world is being turned upside down. The future they saw for themselves has vaporized, that prized career has either vanished or no longer holds any interest. Nothing seems to fit anymore. They've lost all passion for things they used to love. They feel alone and isolated from friends and family. They feel like a misfit, a failure. They feel like they don't know how to 'do' human anymore.

If this is true for you, then more than likely, you are someone who is in the process of stepping out of the box and getting ready to be part of a great change of consciousness on planet earth.

the box

Let's face it, the world doesn't work for about 99.99% of the population. Most people at best simply survive, getting up every day just to make it to the next day. Most people live in a small box defined by their fears and don't ever step out of that box and, amazingly, we've been living like this for a very long time.

We start to inhabit our box as soon as we're born. We take on the beliefs of our family, ancestors and society in general. We learn that we have to behave in certain ways, we have to do what we're told, we have to be good, we have to sit still, we have to listen to boring people, we have to be nice, we have to please people, we have to be responsible and we have to work hard. And if we do all that, we will probably survive to wake up and do the same again.....and again.... and again.


The good news is all that is about to change.

all shook up

Right now millions of people around the world are beginning to find that box incredibly uncomfortable. We know there's more to life and we want to find out what that is. We beginning to listen to an inner voice that is questioning almost everything. We know we have to change.

But most of us are hanging onto that box for dear life. After all, it's the only way we know how to be. We've ALWAYS been that way and OH MY GOD it's terrifying to think of leaving that box and doing something different.

Funny thing is, events are conspiring to shake us free: we loose that job, our income plummets, our relationship dissolves, our health fails. We seem forced to make a move.

the fear

That's when the fear strikes. Your heart sinks, beats faster, you get wobbly in your tummy, you can't sleep, you have crazy dreams, you just don't know how on earth you are going to survive.

But this is the whole point of the shake up, you are going to learn, not just to survive, but to thrive. You are going to learn to be truly free. You are going to learn to live in your passion, to do what you love, because you love it. You are going to learn to really trust yourself. You are going to learn to be really true to yourself and never shoehorn yourself into a shape just because others want that of you


a process for dealing with fear

So what do you do when the fear hits? Don't try and avoid it or deny it. Getting out of this box will bring up all the fears you've ever had and lots you don't even KNOW you have.

Firstly, sit with the fear and feel it. Yes, feel it. Allow yourself to feel it. Don't be afraid, fear is simply an energy and will stay scary if you don't explore it. Allow yourself to really get to know it. Feel where it resides in your body. Feel how it makes you feel. Wallow in it. Draw out as much fear as you can. Imagine you are hoovering it out from all your cells into a great big balloon.

Know that you created this fear, you created it as part of your box and as
you created it, you can also un-create it.

Now, draw out every last bit that is ready to leave, then stick a great big pin in that balloon and watch all those fears float away.

Will that be it then, fearless forever? It is very unusual to be able to dig out all your fears in one go as most of us have gazillions of them and they come off in layers, like an onion. So just keep doing the work, every time the fear grabs you, pull it all out and let it go.

other ways to deal with fear

There are lots and lots of ways to heal your fear. I'll write more about them in the coming months but here are a couple of things to start with.

Lately I've been finding an essence that we make called Deep Magenta Opium Poppy to be really useful. When the fear hits, just sit, breathe deeply, take a few drops of the essence and hold the bottle in your hand.

Inner child work is also very useful. Here is a link to a short piece I wrote on the Indigo Essences website that might help you or
you may want to see a therapist for help with it.

So raise a glass to your fears this evening, and know that they can help you get out of that box and into the world of your dreams

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