
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I should have a flat head by now

You know, it's funny how you end up saying to other people the things you need to hear yourself.

This morning I was talking with a friend about how important it is at the moment to just surrender. She gets it totally and as a consequence, appears to be going through this transformation process at warp speed.

I, on the other hand, have never been one to let go of things easily. I talk about it and teach about it but boy, do I have a hard time doing it. As someone once said 'there are scratch marks all over everything I've ever let go of'.

And so, when I hit a wall, I bang my head against it till I realize that trying to force something to happen just doesn't work anymore.

Now here's the thing. We are going through the eye of the needle right now and there is no room for baggage. We need to peel off every last belief system, every last box belonging to the old way of being human in order to get through here. At the moment I imagine myself halfway through, with my bum stuck on the other side.

You see, we are being asked to really, totally and truly love ourselves, to embody more of our spirit than we have ever embodied before. To do this, we have to merge heart and head and let our own voice tell us what needs to be done in any moment on any given day.

This means letting go of the old *rules* - like observing deadlines (what a word), forcing things to happen, pushing through tiredness, working at something that doesn't feel right.

Every time we deny that growing voice of spirit, our energy contracts and slows up, like a wet Monday morning in a dark office. Nothing moves, nothing works. Rather than make progress, we just stay stuck.

But if, like my friend, you answer the call to sit under a tree by the bank of a river, because that is what needs to be done, then an opening happens, a gear swings into place and a movement occurs.

So, the next time you are about to bang your head. STOP. Listen to your spirit voice and see what it is that you really need to be doing.

BTW lots of you will think, it's ok for her to go sit under a tree but I'm stuck in an office or whatever, I've GOT to DO things. I say to you that if something is not working, do something different. Even if you feel you can't just run out to the park, you can stop the mental chatter, tune into your heart channel and see what the message is.

love ya

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